Crazy, Zany Fun: Spirit Week 2012 in Pictures

Whew, was Spirit Week a fun-packed whirl of activities last week: forum decorating and costume themes, color days, grade-level relays, a push-up contest, Friday’s walk-off — to name just a few of the events designed to celebrate class comradery.
“This was one of the best Spirit Weeks we’ve ever had in terms of spirit,” says dean of students Luke Jansen. “Each grade not only celebrated itself but also the school, which is really the purpose behind Spirit Week — to cultivate of a sense of spirit for Greenhills. Plus, it’s the middle of February when spring seems like it will never get here, so it’s a great way to lift kids’ spirits.”
See all the fun in our Spirit Week photo gallery. (Thanks to Leisa Thompson for capturing the festivities so beautifully.)