Chang Che ’13: International Correspondent

Unfortunately, Chang Che ‘13 won’t be able to travel back to Greenhills for his 10th reunion this June. He’ll be on deadline as usual in Seoul, South Korea.
Che launched his journalism career in 2020 as a freelance writer in Shanghai, covering technology and politics in a region undergoing radical change. At the time, Che had completed a masters degree in philosophy at the University of Oxford and was considering moving onto a Ph.D. program.
“I moved to China to become a writer and do something I was passionate about.”
In August 2022, he was hired as a beat reporter covering technology for the New York Times, based in Seoul.
“I’ve always been interested in politics and philosophy, but I had no clear occupational direction and drive after college, only vague ambitions,” shared Che, who graduated from Princeton in 2017.
“The pandemic really upended any existing plans for many young people, and for me personally it allowed me to rethink and explore,” said Che. “The world was already uncertain, and I was open to doing something unconventional that engaged with the world a bit more. I thought, I might as well take a risk.”
Che says his level of comfort in trying new things is the result of his time at Greenhills.
“As a reporter and writer I’m constantly talking to new people and experiencing the unknown. Greenhills set me on this path to be open to the possibilities.”
Che recalls former forensics coach Barb Ebeling suggesting he try interpretive storytelling, something he never would have expected to excel in, and he also participated in musical theater at Greenhills—both of which helped him find and develop his own voice.
“Greenhills was such an important early forge for me—it was a really transformative period in my life. I grew from a shy kid from an immigrant family into expanding my sense of self and my capabilities. At Greenhills I was able to readily explore a range of interests, which built up my confidence and resilience.”
“It’s hard to believe it’s been 10 years since graduation,” continued Che. “I didn’t know what I was going to become after my time at Greenhills, that wasn’t clear, but what I carried with me, as options narrow into adulthood, is the supportive nature of the faculty and the school’s crucible of experimentation.”
Although Che’s not able to make it back for his 10th reunion, when he does visit Ann Arbor he always makes an effort to visit Greenhills and reconnect with some of his former teachers and coaches, including Mark Randolph and Eric Gajar.
“I still keep in touch with Greenhills faculty, who trained me on how to confidently articulate my thoughts and taught me what it means to be a good person and a high functioning member of society,” said Che. “Greenhills prepared me well—in the classroom, on the stage, and on the tennis courts—for a challenging intellectual occupation. I will be forever grateful.”