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Robotics team tunes up for upcoming season

unnamedSeven members of the Greenhills FIRST Robotics team, accompanied by three team mentors, hit the road for a practice competition Oct. 8 as they prepared for the coming season. 

The team members — Benjamin Kovacs, Lawrence Bitzer, Max Colis, Morgan Gallimore, Robert Keller, Kalea Vendola, and Patrick Quinn — headed to the center of the state to participate in the Great Lakes Bot Bash, accompanied by team mentors Tom Quinn, a Greenhills parent, and Alex Monte-Sano and Charles Dershimer, both Greenhills teachers.

The practice competition event provided a chance for new team members to become familiar with the excitement and energy of a match, and for the more seasoned players to further hone their leadership skills.

The Greenhills’ team had a very successful experience, Dershimer said, placing 12th overall during the qualifications matches, and finishing in the semifinals through a collaborative alignment with two other Michigan teams. The practice competition marked the first time the Greenhills team placed into a semifinal round at a robotics event, signaling the direction of what is sure to be a great 2016-17 season.

Beyond that, Dershimer said, the Greenhills Lawnmowers further demonstrated that they’re off to a great start by earning a coveted Gracious Professionalism award, a distinction that carries a special significance in FIRST Robotics competitions.

Greenhills earned the award for demonstrating unselfish effort to help another team repair its broken robot and, Dershimer said, in the true spirit of a FIRST Robotics “co-opertition,” the team that helped Greenhills win the award went on to defeat Greenhills in the semifinals.

“Success is measured in many ways for students at Greenhills,” Dershimer observed wryly.

Saturday, April 24
Open to anyone ages 16 and up. Limited quantities available.
Greenhills is closed for mid-winter break and will return on Tuesday, Feb. 22.