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Greenhills debaters take to airwaves for local election debate

If you thought the presidential and vice-presidential candidates were the only ones debating these days, well, it’s time to think again.

Greenhills debate team members Harry Bagenstos and Mubarak Hassan recently took to Ann Arbor’s CTN cable channel to debate Proposal 1 on the Ann Arbor city ballot, which would extend the mayor’s term from two to four years and change city council members’ staggered terms to four years from two years.

The debate, hosted by CTN and the League of Women Voters of the Ann Arbor Area, initially aired from 9:45 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Sept. 27 on CTN Channel 19, for those with cable in Ann Arbor. It’s now available on demand (above), and will be repeated periodically through Election Day Nov. 8.

Bagenstos, an 11th grader, and Hassan, a 10th grader, laid out arguments for and against Ann Arbor’s Proposal 1. Both have been researching the pros and cons of the potential change, according to Greenhills debate coach Sam Bagenstos.

The League of Women Voters  is a non-partisan organization dedicated to helping voters make informed choices at the polls.

“We have a long tradition of hosting memorable debates … that celebrate and respect arguments and discussions that are reasoned, moving, and meaningful to voters,” the League of Women Voters said in a statement. “We cannot think of a better way to promote civic involvement than one which acknowledges the voice of young people and what they can teach us all about raising our political discussions to a higher level.”


Saturday, April 24
Open to anyone ages 16 and up. Limited quantities available.
Greenhills is closed for mid-winter break and will return on Tuesday, Feb. 22.

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