Finn Feldeisen Honored with MHSAA Scholar-Athlete Award

One of 32 Michigan Student-Athletes Chosen to Receive $1,000 Scholarship
Greenhills senior Finn Feldeisen has been named one of the 2021 Michigan High School Athletic Association (MHSAA) Scholar-Athletes. Each year the MHSAA selects 32 students to honor with this prestigious title and $1,000 scholarship award. To be eligible, students must have at least a 3.5 grade-point, have won a letter in an MHSAA varsity sport, play an active role in their school, and submit an essay focused on the importance of sportsmanship. From his notable academic and athletic accomplishments to his deep involvement in arts and student government, Finn clearly fits the bill.
While his individual performance qualified him for the award, Finn sees it as much more than a personal achievement and credits his family, teammates, and coaches for the key roles they played in his success.
“I have been so blessed to have Coach Gajar and Coach Randolph in my corner for the past seven years. Their passion, integrity, and dedication to making their players better human beings is unmatched. They are truly the ones who deserve all of the credit. I have also been lucky to have great lacrosse coaches guide me in that aspect. In addition, with four older siblings and two extremely supportive parents, I have been lucky enough to have constant pillars of support. I have also been fortunate to have been mentored by great captains over the years as well as remarkable teammates. This award is a reflection of all of those people and the Greenhills community as a whole,” Finn shared.
Read more about Finn’s life as a student-athlete and the MHSAA scholarship in this article from We Love Ann Arbor.