Karl ’98 and Cara Rosaen ’99 Help People Find Local Food Sources
Since its launch in April 2010, Real Time Foods – a website that connects people to local food producers and locally-sourced foods – has been steadily gaining attention.  Founded by Karl ’98 and Cara Rosaen ’99, “the mission of Real Time Farms is to excite and educate people about where they can find fresh, local sources of food, bringing transparency to the food web.” Says Karl: “We believe that when people know where their food comes from, it leads naturally to choices that are healthiest for themselves and the environment.”
After his graduation from Greenhills, Karl received his B.S. and M.S. in computer engineering from U-M before moving to Silicon Valley to work for Google as a senior engineer. With dreams of running his own business, he returned home to Ann Arbor where he and Cara (a U-M ’03 alum) now work from home with the rest of the Real Time Farms team. Click here for more information.