GH team triumphant at 3rd annual Big Ethical Question Slam

On Thursday, a Greenhills team made up of four faculty and staff members answered its way to a victory at the 3rd annual Big Ethical Question Slam, which was sponsored by A2Ethics and held at Conor O’Neill’s.
One of six participating groups, the Greenhills team (pictured from left to right: captain Mark Randolph, Bob Ause, Carl Pelofsky and Lisa Ortiz) fielded three rounds of questions that included: “Is it ever acceptable to prescribe a placebo treatment to a patient who doesn’t require treatment, but is adamant about receiving it? Should the U.S. military be prohibited from deploying automated drones on ethical grounds?”
“It’s fascinating and important to get into these types of discussions because ethics can so easily get forgotten in the everyday busyness of our world,” says Ortiz. “It’s important to take time out to think and talk about what it means to be ethical human beings.”
The Big Ethical Question Slam is sponsored by A2Ethics, a local group committed to promoting ethical discussions, learning and behavior in our community that was founded by former Greenhills faculty member Jeanine DeLay.
“I am deeply grateful to former colleagues and friends (and a special nod to Mark Randolph) who believe that ethics is not just an outreach program or a strategy, but aspire to teach young people that the life well-lived is the best life,” DeLay told the team in a follow-up congratulatory note.