15 Inducted into Cum Laude Society
At the Cum Laude assembly on April 14, six seniors and nine juniors were inducted into the revered honor society.
Seniors who received the award on April 14:
Melanie Bahti
Alexander Braun
Alexander Khouri
Daewoong Kim
Katherine Long
Paul Riker
Seniors inducted as juniors:
Amanda Bertsch
Benjamin Froehlich
Shamik Ganguly
Curtis Heisel
Emily Hoff
Joanna Lingenfelter
Victoria Parr
Tessa Robertson
Juniors inducted on April 14:
Alina Dunlap
Kamya Jagadish
Grace Judge
Katherine Krauss
Sin Jeong Lee
Grace Mangigian
Katherine Selwa
Marissa Thompson
Jeffrey Xu
The Cum Laude Society was founded in 1906 by Dr. Abram Harris, director of the Tome School in Maryland, to honor academic excellence at the high school level, much like Phi Beta Kappa does at the collegiate level. The main criterion for student membership is academic excellence and only schools that exemplify a strong commitment and ability to help young people achieve that degree of scholarship are granted charters. It is also hoped that initiates model the three virtues of the motto: honor, justice, and excellence. By-laws of the society state that each chapter is allowed to induct up to 20% of a class total, by the end of the senior year. The first 10% of these may be inducted during the second half of the junior year.
In this, our 31st year, we have now inducted a total of 373 students since first becoming a chartered chapter in 1981.