The annual Halloween Concert will be held in the Campbell Center tonight at 7:00 p.m. This popular "spook-tacular" (and free!) event will include...
This past summer diversity director and middle school history teacher Nadine Hall spoke at the 10th International Conference on Diversity that was held at...
Every year Sra. Moffat celebrates Chilean Independence Day (Sept. 18) with her 7th graders. But this year the celebration had a special twist. "All of my...
Tonight's Life of the Mind lecture, "Protecting Education from Attack," with Human Rights Watch International senior researcher Bede Sheppard, will be...
This past summer, junior Kristen Raskauskas spent two weeks in Maine at the University of New England as part of its Coastal Marine Ecology Program. The...
Kate Raskauskas '09, a sophomore at Georgia Institute of Technology, spent her summer working as a research assistant studying Alkali Silica Reaction (ASR)...
Floating stealthily in two small open boats after dark with giant spotlights, paddling up a small tributary of the Amazon to see three-toed sloths and a...
At Friday's all-middle school assembly, head of middle school Jamey Hein unveiled the theme for this year: Global Citizenship. "Now more than ever, we...
On Thursday, October 14, Human Rights Watch International senior researcher Bede Sheppard will be the featured speaker at Greenhills’ first 2010-11 Life...
Since its launch in April 2010, Real Time Foods - a website that connects people to local food producers and locally-sourced foods - has been steadily...
This summer French teachers Marti Larson and Cat Novak traveled by train (from Windsor) to Quebec City and Montreal with twenty-four 7th- and 8th-grade...
Vicka Vanderspek '04 will take the 2010 Skyline Plunge! At 8 a.m.on September 12, Vicka will rappell 27 stories (278 feet) down the exterior facade of the...
Ryan Lester '08, a junior at Brown University, recently helped bring to life "A Thousand Voices," a compelling aural performance project which "gave voice"...