Greenhills anatomy and physiology students had the exciting opportunity last week to view fertilization first hand using gametes harvested from live sea...
The audience was in for a chilling time at the Campbell Center for the Performing Arts Friday as Greenhills musicians ushered in the scary season with...
Sure, it’s the season of Halloween. But for Greenhills Spanish students—and patrons of Ann Arbor’s Tios restaurant—it’s also Día de...
Greenhills Athletic Director Meg Seng joined an elite national group of athletic administrators this week when the National Interscholastic Athletic...
It may not have been a great weekend for Detroit’s professional sports teams, but Greenhills athletes helped ease the sting by winning at a torrid pace all...
The recent Association of Independent Michigan Schools conference at Detroit Country Day School was an opportunity for Greenhills teachers to learn from...
Ann Arbor may seem a long way from Kenya, but the efforts of Greenhills grad Kwame Nyong'o nevertheless helped bring to life an 8-year-old boy in a coastal...
This year's student-organized ACTivate the Cure variety show and art auction raised more than $5,300 to benefit breast cancer research and the University of...
A new school day helped mark a new beginning for Greenhills this week as students, parents, alumni and faculty gathered to celebrate the opening of the...
Ninth grade students attended a very special grade-level assembly on The Odyssey Oct. 2--one led by Michael Powers, who teaches Latin to...
There's no tension between student and teacher in Julie Smith's advanced cell and molecular biology class. Or if there is, let's just say it's...
The start of a new school year! I love it! I love the excitement, the nervousness, the feeling of “newness” as teachers and students enter the building...
Nine Greenhills seniors have been named semifinalists in this year’s National Merit Scholarship competition -- more than 12 percent of the class, and just...
With the new school year gathering steam, Convocation 2013 Monday morning served both to honor the Class of 2014 and—thanks largely to the class’ own...
Over the summer Upper School faculty and students have been reading Kevin Boyle’s book Arc of Justice (2004), the harrowing tale of the trial of Dr....
Judging from the smiles on the faces of 560-odd Greenhills students surging into the school’s theater Tuesday morning, it was hard to tell whether it was...
While it may be true that age and treachery will always overcome youth and exuberance, things didn’t exactly work out that way at the Greenhills 2013...
Leadership is not easy to define yet we often talk about it when we work with students—we ask them to be leaders, to set an example for their peers, to be...
We can’t deny that we have a fascination with the upstart. We root for the underdog; we love the rags to riches story. The transformation that we see in...
On June 13, the class of 2017 gathered to celebrate the completion of middle school. Each eighth grader received a certificate and ceramic tile as...
Approximately 800 people gathered on the soccer field Sunday afternoon to honor the 81 members of the Class of 2013. It was Greenhills' 42ndcommencement...
Below are the abstracts from seven more senior projects (presented during Senior Project Night on May 30) that stood out for their originality, creativity...
Each year, the last gasp of Greenhills seniors' academic energy is spent on senior projects — a unique aspect of a Greenhills education that provides...