In what is shaping up to be another strong year, the Greenhills Debate Team last weekend won the Public Forum division of the University of Michigan High...
Mother Nature may have made them wait a little longer, but there was no denying the Greenhills boys soccer team its first state soccer championship in...
Leave it to Greenhills instrumental music teacher Neil Donato to bring out the best jazz talent for a brief morning set Thursday in the Campbell Center....
After parent-teacher conferences concluded, we loaded vehicles with adventurous students and headed north to Eastern Michigan University’s...
Business is brisk at the new Center for Mindful Wellbeing at Greenhills, home to a holistic approach to wellness and a place where students have access...
It's a big year for the school this year as Greenhills hits the big five-oh! Check out some of the things that make Greenhills a unique and welcoming place...
We are very pleased to announce that the reimagined new Greenhills library opened for students and faculty with a brief ceremony at an all-school assembly in...
Twelve Greenhills seniors – approximately 15 percent of the 2018 graduating class – are among 72 Ann Arbor high school students named semifinalists in...
Seven Greenhills students – the most from any one school in Washtenaw County – were awarded varsity letters for community service this month by the...
Nothing says summer is almost here quite like Greenstock, the Greenhills version of Woodstock that happens just before Memorial Day weekend each year. Enjoy...
This month’s complimentary Beaumont Student Heart Check, held at Greenhills May 13 with the support of the Live Like Max Foundation, successfully screened...
The Greenhills Jazz Band (and a couple of noteworthy additions from the ranks of professional musicians) performs May 5 for their fellow Gryphons during...
For the third time in six years, the entirety of Greenhills -- students and faculty alike -- recently embarked on the school's biennial Detroit Day,...
For the past seven years Spanish students at Greenhills have been actively making connections with the Latino communities in the Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti, and...
Greenhills’ competitive Math Club notched another success over Spring Break, taking home a second place trophy in team competition at the University of...
A lineup of Greenhills (and other) luminaries helps lay down some rules for driving in the crowded Greenhills parking lot. Sure, we had fun making it -- but...