Your tax-deductible contribution to the 2024-2025 Annual Fund for Greenhills joins with tuition to place promising futures within reach for our students every day and in so many ways.

Contribute to The Annual Fund

In the classroom, the theater, on the athletic field, or in the community beyond our campus, your giving helps:

Sustain a robust variable tuition program that keeps our school accessible to students from all walks of life.
Supply our student athletes, musicians, actors, artists, and public speakers with all they need to succeed.
Attract and retain outstanding faculty.
Provide advanced teaching tools, technology, and supplies.
Supplement our curriculum with meaningful service learning initiatives.
Keep our campus and building in first-rate shape.

Keeping Greenhills Affordable and Accessible

Your generosity helps keep Greenhills tuition in the upper 25th percentile of most affordable independent schools, underscoring a core value in place since our founding: Greenhills should be open to, and as affordable as possible for, all qualified students. Donors’ tax-deductible gifts in support of the school’s programs, faculty, facilities and variable tuition program join with tuition to sustain the one-of-a-kind impact of Greenhills for students from all walks of life.

Learn More About the Annual Fund for Greenhills

Find answers to frequently asked questions about the Annual Fund for Greenhills.

Annual Fund FAQ



Every Gift Makes an Imprint

Large or small, your gift joins with the generosity of other families, friends, and alumni to place today’s students on the path to a great tomorrow.



Your giving supports a student centered environment and Greenhills School’s continuing legacy. Small classes allow our faculty to fully engage in the art of teaching as they mentor, coach and encourage each student. Today’s students thank you, and your generosity sets an important example for them to follow. Someday, they will help continue the legacy.


Please consider Greenhills in your estate plans. Gifts by bequest are simple to execute and, with Greenhills’ 501(c)(3) IRS status as an educational institution, there may ultimately be a reduction in estate taxes.

Greenhills alums and parents can designate the School to receive a specific amount of money, property or percentage of their estate; to receive all or a portion of the residual of your estate (the remainder after all specific bequests to family and friends are fulfilled); or to be the contingent beneficiary.

A gift by bequest might be worded: “I give, devise and bequest to Greenhills School for its general purposes all (or state fraction or percentage) of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate, both real and personal” or “I give, devise and bequeath to Greenhills School the sum of $_____ to be used for the general purpose of the school.” Your bequest to Greenhills can also take the form of cash, securities, real estate or other tangible personal property.

This gift option may provide reduced taxes to your estate. We recommend that donors consult with tax counsel or their legal adviser prior to finalizing a bequest or major gift other than cash or securities.

Donors are encouraged to meet with a member of the Advancement Team before designating bequest gifts to specific programs, for current information on the specific needs of the school as well as giving programs, and naming opportunities in regards to restricted funds.

Please contact Paul Gargaro, Director of Advancement at 734-205-4024 or by email at

By planning ahead, members of the Greenhills community who include the school in their will are planning now for the legacy they will leave for future generations of students.

Make a Gift


Transferring Gifts

Greenhills School accepts gifts of stocks, bonds and marketable securities. A contribution of stock or securities can often result in both a tax savings on capital gains as well as the charitable deduction of the full value of the gift. By law, the gift value is determined by the day of transfer – the date on which the security has been fully transferred into the Greenhills School brokerage account. The average stock price for the day is taken as the stock’s value.

Donors May Direct Gifts Of Marketable Securities To:

The Greenhills School Brokerage Account

DTC#: 0226
Account #: 091 047910
Emp. ID: 38 614 3974

Our Account Manager Is:

Andrew Psilis
PNC Investments
2925 W. 12 Mile Road
Berkley, MI 48072

Electronic transfers never show donor names. Please ask your account manager to contact the advancement office when transfers are complete:

Paul Gargaro
Director of Advancement
850 Greenhills Dr
Ann Arbor, MI 48105
[email protected]

Make a Gift

Considering making a gift from you IRA? Contact Greenhills School to learn how.

Learn More


Paul Gargaro Director of Advancement
Stephanie Miller '86 Associate Director of Advancement, Alumni Engagement & Donor Services
Saturday, April 24
Open to anyone ages 16 and up. Limited quantities available.
Greenhills is closed for mid-winter break and will return on Tuesday, Feb. 22.

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