
Midterms: E & F Periods

Special Schedule December 16–19, No After-School CareStudents have a special schedule for midterm exams occurring December 16–19. During exam week, students are expected to attend all classes according to the […]

Midterms: G & H Periods

Special Schedule December 16–19, No After-School CareStudents have a special schedule for midterm exams occurring December 16–19. During exam week, students are expected to attend all classes according to the […]

Boys Basketball JV Home Whitmore Lake High School

850 Greenhills Dr Ann Arbor Ann Arbor, MI, United States

Facility: East Gym Visit https://greenhillsgryphons.org/main/event/scid/MI481058888/eventid/77974092 for more information!

Girls Basketball V Home Central Academy (1-12)

850 Greenhills Drive Ann Arbor Ann Arbor, MI, United States

Facility: West Gym Visit https://greenhillsgryphons.org/main/event/scid/MI481058888/eventid/78536396 for more information!

Boys Swimming V Away Lincoln High School

7425 Willis Rd Ypsilanti Ypsilanti, MI, United States

Facility: Lincoln HS (Ypsi) Visit https://greenhillsgryphons.org/main/event/scid/MI481058888/eventid/78734685 for more information!

Boys Basketball V Home Whitmore Lake High School

850 Greenhills Drive Ann Arbor Ann Arbor, MI, United States

Facility: West Gym Visit https://greenhillsgryphons.org/main/event/scid/MI481058888/eventid/77974089 for more information!

Boys Swimming V Away Fenton HS/MS (Tiger Relays)

3200 W. Shiawassee Ave Fenton Fenton, MI, United States

Facility: Fenton High School Visit https://greenhillsgryphons.org/main/event/scid/MI481058888/eventid/78762384 for more information!

Robotics: Upper School 2025 Season Kickoff

Greenhills Wege Gebhardt Library and 8th Grade Forum, Greenhills School-1-Library (50)

Members of the upper school robotics team and mentors will meet to experience the live video conference reveal of this season's game. This will be followed by review of the […]

Lost & Found in Main Entrance

Main Entrance

Please check for items in the lost and found, which will be relocated to the main entrance for three days on the first Monday of each month.

Forensics Team Auditions

Lecture Court and Nearby Classrooms, Greenhills School-1-3010 (20), Greenhills School-1-3007 - Lecture Court (65), Greenhills School-1-3002 (20), Greenhills School-1-3008 (20), Greenhills School-1-3009 (20), Greenhills School-1-3003 (20)

Boys Basketball FR Away Divine Child

1001 N Silvery Lane Dearborn Dearborn, MI, United States

Facility: Divine Child Visit https://greenhillsgryphons.org/main/event/scid/MI481058888/eventid/78018140 for more information!

Boys Basketball JV Away Divine Child

1001 N Silvery Lane Dearborn Dearborn, MI, United States

Facility: Divine Child Visit https://greenhillsgryphons.org/main/event/scid/MI481058888/eventid/78018139 for more information!

Girls Basketball JV Home Cranbrook Schools

850 Greenhills Drive Ann Arbor Ann Arbor, MI, United States

Facility: West Gym Visit https://greenhillsgryphons.org/main/event/scid/MI481058888/eventid/78018130 for more information!

Boys Basketball V Away Divine Child

1001 N Silvery Lane Dearborn Dearborn, MI, United States

Facility: Divine Child Visit https://greenhillsgryphons.org/main/event/scid/MI481058888/eventid/78018138 for more information!

Girls Basketball V Home Cranbrook Schools

850 Greenhills Drive Ann Arbor Ann Arbor, MI, United States

Facility: West Gym Visit https://greenhillsgryphons.org/main/event/scid/MI481058888/eventid/78018125 for more information!

Boys Basketball V Away Divine Child

1001 N Silvery Lane Dearborn Dearborn, MI, United States

Facility: Divine Child Visit https://greenhillsgryphons.org/main/event/scid/MI481058888/eventid/77984504 for more information!

GPO Meeting

Greenhills Fish Bowl (Campbell Center Entrance)

Parents are invited to join for this regular Greenhills Parent Organization (GPO) meeting. Each meeting is offered as hybrid, with the option for parents to join remotely; in the event of a school closure the meeting will be fully remote. More information will be shared by GPO reps.

Coed Swimming MS Away Royal Oak Middle School

709 N. Washington Ave Royal Oak, MI 709 N Washington Ave, United States

Facility: Royal Oak Middle School Visit https://greenhillsgryphons.org/main/event/scid/MI481058888/eventid/78793165 for more information!

Boys Swimming V Home Divine Child

7430 Whitmore Lake Road Whitmore Lake Whitmore Lake, MI, United States

Facility: Whitmore Lake High School Visit https://greenhillsgryphons.org/main/event/scid/MI481058888/eventid/78734702 for more information!

Girls Basketball V Away Novi Christian Academy

40800 W 13 Mile Rd Novi Novi, MI, United States

Facility: Novi Christian Academy Visit https://greenhillsgryphons.org/main/event/scid/MI481058888/eventid/78558141 for more information!

Boys Swimming V Home Divine Child

7430 Whitmore Lake Road Whitmore Lake Whitmore Lake, MI, United States

Facility: Whitmore Lake High School Visit https://greenhillsgryphons.org/main/event/scid/MI481058888/eventid/78628282 for more information!

Boys Basketball FR Home Lutheran High North

850 Greenhills Drive Ann Arbor Ann Arbor, MI, United States

Facility: West Gym Visit https://greenhillsgryphons.org/main/event/scid/MI481058888/eventid/78018150 for more information!

Boys Basketball JV Home Lutheran High North

850 Greenhills Drive Ann Arbor Ann Arbor, MI, United States

Facility: West Gym Visit https://greenhillsgryphons.org/main/event/scid/MI481058888/eventid/78018149 for more information!

Girls Basketball JV Away Inter-City Baptist School

4700 Allen Rd Allen Park Allen Park, MI, United States

Facility: Inter-City Baptist School Visit https://greenhillsgryphons.org/main/event/scid/MI481058888/eventid/79169110 for more information!

Boys Basketball V Home Lutheran High North

850 Greenhills Drive Ann Arbor Ann Arbor, MI, United States

Facility: West Gym Visit https://greenhillsgryphons.org/main/event/scid/MI481058888/eventid/78018148 for more information!

Coed Swimming MS Home SEC Meet

7425 Willis Rd Ypsilanti Ypsilanti, MI, United States

Facility: Lincoln HS (Ypsi) Visit https://greenhillsgryphons.org/main/event/scid/MI481058888/eventid/78123998 for more information!

Coed Swimming MS Home Tri Meet

7425 Willis Rd Ypsilanti Ypsilanti, MI, United States

Facility: Lincoln HS (Ypsi) Visit https://greenhillsgryphons.org/main/event/scid/MI481058888/eventid/79161756 for more information!

Boys Basketball FR Away Gabriel Richard Catholic

15325 Pennsylvania Ave Riverview Wyandotte, MI, United States

Facility: Gabriel Richard Catholic HS Visit https://greenhillsgryphons.org/main/event/scid/MI481058888/eventid/78018157 for more information!

Boys Basketball MS Home Washtenaw Christian

850 Greenhills Dr Ann Arbor Ann Arbor, MI, United States

Facility: East Gym Visit https://greenhillsgryphons.org/main/event/scid/MI481058888/eventid/78624832 for more information!

Robotics: Upper School Parent/Guardian Information Meeting

Room 3035 at Greenhills School (Robotics Shop), Greenhills School-1-3035 (20)

Members of the upper school robotics team invites parents and guardians to a meeting to learn more about this year's FIRST robotics season and to meet the team mentors. The […]

Girls Basketball JV Home Gabriel Richard Catholic

850 Greenhills Drive Ann Arbor Ann Arbor, MI, United States

Facility: West Gym Visit https://greenhillsgryphons.org/main/event/scid/MI481058888/eventid/78018169 for more information!

Boys Basketball JV Away Gabriel Richard Catholic

15325 Pennsylvania Ave Riverview Wyandotte, MI, United States

Facility: Gabriel Richard Catholic HS Visit https://greenhillsgryphons.org/main/event/scid/MI481058888/eventid/78018156 for more information!

Boys Swimming V Away Pinckney High School

10255 Dexter-Pinckney Rd Pinckney Pinckney, MI, United States

Facility: Pinckney High School Visit https://greenhillsgryphons.org/main/event/scid/MI481058888/eventid/78734707 for more information!

Girls Basketball V Home Gabriel Richard Catholic

850 Greenhills Drive Ann Arbor Ann Arbor, MI, United States

Facility: West Gym Visit https://greenhillsgryphons.org/main/event/scid/MI481058888/eventid/78018167 for more information!

Boys Basketball V Away Gabriel Richard Catholic

15325 Pennsylvania Ave Riverview Wyandotte, MI, United States

Facility: Gabriel Richard Catholic HS Visit https://greenhillsgryphons.org/main/event/scid/MI481058888/eventid/78018155 for more information!

All-School Musical: Something Rotten

Campbell Center for the Performing Arts 850 Greenhills Dr, Ann Arbor, MI, United States

Greenhills School's Fine and Performing Arts Department presents Something Rotten, performed by middle school and upper school students. Two brothers set out to write the world’s first musical in this hilarious […]

Special Schedule: MLK Jr. Day Presentation

70-min classes; 60-min Assembly with passing time before; no C&CMiddle School8:30am – 9:40am → B-period9:40am – 9:50am → passing time9:50am – 10:50am → Viewing of Children’s March in Advisory pairs […]

MLK Jr. Day Presentation

Campbell Center for the Performing Arts and Classrooms, Greenhills School-1-Theater (600)

Middle school students will be in advisory pairs viewing Children's March and engaging in related activities. Upper school students will be in the theater viewing There Went the Neighborhood: The […]

Boys Basketball FR Home Cranbrook Schools

850 Greenhills Drive Ann Arbor Ann Arbor, MI, United States

Facility: West Gym Visit https://greenhillsgryphons.org/main/event/scid/MI481058888/eventid/78018185 for more information!

Boys Basketball JV Home Cranbrook Schools

850 Greenhills Drive Ann Arbor Ann Arbor, MI, United States

Facility: West Gym Visit https://greenhillsgryphons.org/main/event/scid/MI481058888/eventid/78018184 for more information!

All-School Musical: Something Rotten

Campbell Center for the Performing Arts 850 Greenhills Dr, Ann Arbor, MI, United States

Greenhills School's Fine and Performing Arts Department presents Something Rotten, performed by middle school and upper school students. Two brothers set out to write the world’s first musical in this hilarious […]

Boys Basketball V Home Cranbrook Schools

850 Greenhills Drive Ann Arbor Ann Arbor, MI, United States

Facility: West Gym Visit https://greenhillsgryphons.org/main/event/scid/MI481058888/eventid/78018183 for more information!

All-School Musical: Something Rotten (Updated Time)

Campbell Center for the Performing Arts 850 Greenhills Dr, Ann Arbor, MI, United States

Greenhills School's Fine and Performing Arts Department presents Something Rotten, performed by middle school and upper school students. Two brothers set out to write the world’s first musical in this hilarious […]

College Counseling Junior Seminar #1: Finding the Right Fit

Campbell Center for the Performing Arts 850 Greenhills Dr, Ann Arbor, MI, United States

Juniors will gather with the College Counseling Office to discuss some of the fundamental aspects of the college application process.

Auditions for the Winter Upper School Play

Campbell Center for the Performing Arts, Greenhills School-1-Theater (600)

Upper school students can audition for the winter upper school play. More information will be available on the bulletin board inside the Campbell Center for the Performing Arts.

Boys Basketball FR Away Detroit Loyola

15325 Pinehurst Detroit Detroit, MI, United States

Facility: Loyola Visit https://greenhillsgryphons.org/main/event/scid/MI481058888/eventid/78018203 for more information!

Saturday, April 24
Open to anyone ages 16 and up. Limited quantities available.
Greenhills is closed for mid-winter break and will return on Tuesday, Feb. 22.

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