Something old, something new

We can’t deny that we have a fascination with the upstart. We root for the underdog; we love the rags to riches story. The transformation that we see in once-nascent organizations that mature elegantly tells a classic American tale.
Greenhills was once that type of school. Conceived nearly 50 years ago, the school began with a small number of students in a few grades and has grown to what it is today: 550+ students in a strong, well-regarded 6-12 school. While the strength of Greenhills clearly is its community—the outstanding staff, the loyal alumni, the engaged students and families, dedicated friends—we have seen other areas of the school grow and develop over the years that reflect a maturing institution.
Since you are reading this note, you obviously have found the new iteration of our website. Certainly a website isn’t in itself transformative, but it does represent the school’s desire to put its best foot forward. A larger but similarly focused project is the redesign of our front entrance. In the early fall, students and families will enter the building and walk into the all-school forum, what a wedding planner might call “something old, something new.” The forum reclaims what was once the communal space for the school, and the same time celebrates the school’s roots, its growth, and its current life.
The introduction to Greenhills, whether virtual or physical, should reflect what the school is today: strong, proud and energized.
Please check back from time to time to read this blog. A variety of Greenhills writers will share their thoughts on education, child development, co-curricular programs, and other pertinent topics related to children in schools. And as always, your feedback is encouraged!
Carl Pelofsky,
Head of School