Scholarly writing helps Zellers keep teaching toolbox full
I always imagined my career as one of continuous intellectual engagement and growth. The scholar in his book-lined study was my ideal. I would teach, write for publication, and lecture audiences of scholars and non-scholars. Perhaps this vision was already old fashioned when I dreamed it but, somewhat to my own surprise, I’ve been able to do all of these things.
My years at Greenhills have been both nurturing and productive; I’ve been able to teach some superb students and still have the opportunity to do the other things a scholar might do.
This review of In the Shadow of the Greatest Generation: The Americans Who Fought the Korean War, is the second I’ve written this year for the Michigan War Studies Review, an online scholarly journal. I’ve also given four public lectures in libraries and at my other intellectual home, Oakland University.
— Bruce Zellers, history teacher and 12th Grade Principal