Writing, said Greenhills Visiting Writer Rachel DeWoskin at this week's McDowell writing awards, is as much about listening, watching, reading, and thinking...
Pi Day comes but once a year -- every 3/14, to be exact -- so why not celebrate the occasion by, say, putting a whipped-cream pie in the face of one of your...
You never know for sure what you're going to get at an Upper School assembly. For this final gathering before midwinter break, students were serenaded by the...
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. first convinced the country that the equality of all people before the law was the right thing. Then King and forward-thinking...
Amos Guiora '75, a professor at the S.J. Quinney College of Law at the University of Utah, recently spoke to an all-school assembly about what he argues...
New Head of Upper School Julia de la Torre narrates this video slideshow encouraging the Greenhills community to stop by for Upper School Back to School...
Greenhills students greet each new year with a convocation ceremony, during which the senior class is both honored and charged with leadership of the student...
Students in Greenhills language teacher Thomas Husson's French class decided one fun way to hone their language skills would be translating the Disney hit...
Each year on the day they are released from school for the year --- and, well, also pretty much forever --- Greenhills seniors run through the halls on their...
An experiment in Middle School science teacher Ann Novak's class helps students figure out whether a gas they've just created is hydrogen, carbon dioxide,...
Whether it involved using two fingers to balance a yardstick, lung power to move an Easter egg across the gym floor or keep a feather afloat, or some other...
Danger, Will Robinson! About all that's missing on this creation of the Upper School Robotics Team are those vacuum-cleaner-hose arms waving around. Here's a...
Words aren't adequate to describe the chaos unleashed by a Greenhills Spirit Week Assembly. Fortunately, we have video. Brave viewers who haven't witnessed...
The Chocolate Lounge couldn't have come at a better time for winter-weary Michiganders, who could use a little comedy and perhaps a large dollop of...
Greenhills seniors get into some pretty heavy-duty science during their advanced research projects. If you've ever imagined how hard it must be to translate...
Greenhills faculty and staff look forward every year to Cookie Day, when a squadron of generous parents swoops down on Greenhills bearing trays of...
Middle School forensics performers present excerpts from Monty Python alum Eric Idle's production of the Broadway musical "Spamalot" at an assembly in the...
Excerpts from talks by Head of Middle School Jonathan Schwartz and student speaker Evan Kanji: And three performances by eighth grade...
Video of the Class of 2014's recent commencement exercise. Tom Friedlander's commencement talk [youtube...